contrast.detectors package

Module contents

Provides the Detector base class, base classes that bring other functionality, as well as derived detector subclasses.

Does not automatically load hardware-specific submodules or classes as these might have special dependencies that aren’t available everywhere.


contrast.detectors.Detector module

class contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: contrast.Gadget.Gadget

Base class representing any device which can be read out to produce recordable data.

classmethod get_active()[source]

Returns a DetectorGroup instance containing the currently active Detector instances.

prepare(acqtime, dataid, n_starts=None)[source]

Run before acquisition, once per scan.

  • acqtime (float) – Acquisition time
  • dataid – Data identifier, a scan id, for example.
  • n_starts (int) – The number of start commands we expect to issue.

Run before every acquisition. Arm any hardware triggered detectors.


Start acquisition for any software triggered detectors.


Override this method, which initializes the detector.


Override this method, stops the dector.


Override this method, returns the busy state.


Override this method, returns the data.

class contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggerSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector

A TriggerSource is a device which follows the Detector API, but which does not produce data. It can be seen as a lightweight Detector subclass, where some of the methods are not mandatory.

classmethod get_active()[source]

Returns a DetectorGroup instance containing the currently active TriggerSource instances.

class contrast.detectors.Detector.LiveDetector[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class to define the interface of live detectors, which can run continuously with no synchronization or data capture.


Override this method.


Override this method.

Should be made harmless, so that it can be run even if the detector is not running.

class contrast.detectors.Detector.SoftwareLiveDetector[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.LiveDetector

Implements a software live mode, where detectors that do not provide a monitoring mode get started repeatedly from a background thread.


Starts background acquisition.

Parameters:acqtime (float) – Acquisition time.

Stops background acquisition.

class contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector[source]

Bases: object

Defines the API for detectors that optionally accept hardware triggers.

class contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector[source]

Bases: object

Defines the API for detectors that optionally run in burst mode, so that an autonomous train of measurements is made for one arm/start command.

Defines three attributes:

  • burst_n: the number of autonomous measurements
  • burst_latency: the time between measurements
  • burst_acqtime: an optional parameter which (if not None) overrides the value received via the prepare() method.
class contrast.detectors.Detector.DetectorGroup(*args)[source]

Bases: object

Collection of Detector objects to be acquired together, in a scan for example. Convenience class to call prepare, arm, busy etc in shorthand. Provides some safe measures too.

Parameters:*args – Sequence of Detector instances
prepare(acqtime, dataid, n_starts, trials=1, trial_delay=1.0)[source]

Runs prepare on each of the constituent Detector instances.


Arms all constituent devices.

start(trials=1, trial_delay=1.0)[source]

Starts all constituent devices.


Stops all constituent devices.


Checks if one or more of the constituent devices is busy.

class contrast.detectors.Detector.LsDet[source]

Bases: object

This class generates the macro `lsdet`

List available detectors.

class contrast.detectors.Detector.LsTrig[source]

Bases: object

This class generates the macro `lstrig`

List available trigger sources.

class contrast.detectors.Detector.StartLive(*args)[source]

Bases: object

This class generates the macro `startlive`

Starts software live mode on listed eligible detectors. If none are listed, all active and eligible detectors are started.

startlive [<det1> ... <detN> <exposure time>]
class contrast.detectors.Detector.StopLive(*args)[source]

Bases: object

This class generates the macro `stoplive`

Stops software live mode on listed eligible detectors. If no arguments are given, all active live detectors are stopped.

stoplive [<det1> ... <detN>]
class contrast.detectors.Detector.Deactivate(*args)[source]

Bases: object

This class generates the macro `deactivate`

Deactivates all detectors or those specified.

deactivate [<det1> ... <detN>]
class contrast.detectors.Detector.Activate(*args)[source]

Bases: object

This class generates the macro `activate`

Activates all detectors or those specified.

activate [<det1> ... <detN>]

contrast.detectors.Dummies module

class contrast.detectors.Dummies.DummyDetector(name=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.SoftwareLiveDetector

Dummy detector which returns a single number.

class contrast.detectors.Dummies.Dummy1dDetector(name=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Dummies.DummyDetector

Dummy detector which returns a 1d vector.

class contrast.detectors.Dummies.DummyWritingDetector(name=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Dummies.DummyDetector

Hdf5 writing detector which puts sequential frames in separate files.

class contrast.detectors.Dummies.DummyWritingDetector2(name=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Dummies.DummyDetector

Hdf5 writing detector which puts sequential frames in a big array.

class contrast.detectors.Dummies.DummyDictDetector(name=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Dummies.DummyDetector

Illustrates how multi-channel detectors can return dict values.

contrast.detectors.Pseudo module

contrast.detectors.Pseudo.get_dict_recursive(dct, key)[source]

Helper function to get the value corresponding to path/to/key from a nested dict.

class contrast.detectors.Pseudo.PseudoDetector(variables, expression, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector

Derived detector which transforms signals from other Detector objects. Defines a dict of variables corresponding to detector labels, and one or more expressions to apply to these.

Variables can be of the form detector/sub/value, where “detector” is interpreted as the basic gadget, and “sub/value” are components keys into the value dictionary.

If ‘expressions’ is a string, the detector will return a single value, if it’s a dict, the detector will return a corresponding dict of results.


r = PseudoDetector(variables={'x':'npointbuff/x', 'y':npointbuff/y'},

find our gadgets so we don’t have to search every time

contrast.detectors.Eiger module

class contrast.detectors.Eiger.Eiger(name=None, host='', api_version='1.8.0', use_image_appendix=False)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.SoftwareLiveDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Provides a direct interface to the Dectris Eiger server.

Class to interact directly with the Eiger Simplon API.


Maximum count rate according to the server


Whether bitshuffle compression is enabled


Operating energy in keV


Whether to apply the mask


Whether to use virtual pixel splitting


Energy threshold for the counters


Get the Eiger mask, taken from the example in the manual.


Set the Eiger mask, also adapted from the manual.

contrast.detectors.Merlin module

class contrast.detectors.Merlin.Merlin(name=None, host='b-nanomax-controlroom-cc-2', port=8000)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.SoftwareLiveDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Provides an interface to the Merlin detector streaming manager,


Whether to use the continuous alternating-counter mode


Operating photon energy

contrast.detectors.Xspress3 module

class contrast.detectors.Xspress3.Xspress3(device='staff/alebjo/xspress3', name=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.SoftwareLiveDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Provides an interface to the Xspress3 streaming manager,

contrast.detectors.Pilatus module

class contrast.detectors.Pilatus.Pilatus2(hostname, name=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.SoftwareLiveDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Provides an interface to the Pilatus streaming manager,

This class talks socket directly to the camserver.


Operating energy

class contrast.detectors.Pilatus.Pilatus3(device_name, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.LiveDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Provides an interface to the MAX IV Pilatus Tango DS,

There’s no soft trigger on this detector. Also, the DS seems not to have HW triggered burst mode exposed.


Start acquisition for any software triggered detectors.

contrast.detectors.Andor3 module

class contrast.detectors.Andor3.Andor3(device='zyla/test/1', name=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.SoftwareLiveDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Provides an interface to the Andor3 Zyla streaming manager,

Note: hw trigger not yet implemented.

contrast.detectors.AlbaEM module

This module contains an interface to the Alba electrometer, as well as a contrast Detector class representing it.

Requires the “STREAMING” mode now available as standard firmware.

For the old school data-polling version, see

class contrast.detectors.AlbaEM.Stream(host, port, debug=False)[source]

Bases: threading.Thread

Server which receives the electrometer stream.

class contrast.detectors.AlbaEM.Electrometer(host='b-nanomax-em2-2', port=5025, trig_source='DIO_1', streaming=False, stream_host=None, stream_port=22003)[source]

Bases: object

Interface to a 4-channel Alba electrometer.


Issue a command and read the answer.

burst(period=1.0, n=1, latency=0.00032)[source]

Take a series of measurements with internal timing. No triggering is possible, the series starts immediately.

arm(acqtime=1.0, n=1, hw=False)[source]

Prepare for hw- or sw-triggered acquisition, n x acqtime.


ACQU:NDAT? increments before the integration time is over, so cannot be used. Look at the stream instead.


The soft triggering wasn’t reliable up until SW version 2.0.0, and seems to have started working from 2.0.04. This procedure typically halted after a few 100 points.

class contrast.detectors.AlbaEM.AlbaEM(name=None, debug=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.LiveDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Contrast interface to the alba EM.

The specifics of the EM enables these four cases, each of which causes a different triggering and readout behaviour below:

  1. HW triggered expecting one trigger per SW step -> arm at the top
  2. HW triggered expecting hw_trig_n triggers per SW step -> arm on every sw step
  3. Burst mode, burst_n > 1, uses a special EM command
  4. Software triggered mode, -> arm at the top

Note that the electrometer itself (as of SW version 2.0.04) does not allow for triggered burst acquisition, as reflected in the code.

contrast.detectors.PandaBox module

class contrast.detectors.PandaBox.PandaBox(name=None, host='', ctrl_port=8888, data_port=8889, bitblock='BITS1', debug=False)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Basic class for treating a PandaBox as a detector, capable of operating in burst mode (thereby acting as a time-based trigger source).

The PandaBox is infinitely configurable, and this class assumes that:

  1. the PCAP block is used,
  2. the PULSE1 block is used to control the number of acquired points and their timing, and
  3. flickering the “A” bit causes a trigger.

contrast.detectors.DG645 module

class contrast.detectors.DG645.StanfordTriggerSource(name=None, device_name=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggerSource, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Class representing the DG645 as a simple source for hardware triggers. All channels are fired with the requested high time.

contrast.detectors.Lima module

class contrast.detectors.Lima.LimaDetector(name=None, lima_device=None, det_device=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.SoftwareLiveDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.BurstDetector

Lima base class.

Lima is sometimes very slow to finish writing data, which is why this gadget has a ‘hybrid mode’, where Lima is started only once, and sequential arm/start calls to this gadget only increment counters. The busy state is set based on Lima’s last_image_acquired compared to these counters, and does not reflect the state of the Lima device.

class contrast.detectors.Lima.LimaPilatus(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Lima.LimaDetector

Pilatus specific LimaDetector.

class contrast.detectors.Lima.LimaMerlin(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Lima.LimaDetector

Merlin specific LimaDetector.

class contrast.detectors.Lima.LimaAndor(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Lima.LimaDetector

Andor specific LimaDetector.

class contrast.detectors.Lima.LimaXspress3(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Lima.LimaDetector

Xspress3 specific LimaDetector.

class contrast.detectors.Lima.Lima_hybrid_on(*args)[source]

Bases: object

This class generates the macro `lima_hybrid_on`

Turn on ‘hybrid triggering’ for the specified Lima device, or for all Lima devices if nothing is specified.

class contrast.detectors.Lima.Lima_hybrid_off(*args)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Lima.Lima_hybrid_on

This class generates the macro `lima_hybrid_off`

Turn on ‘hybrid triggering’ for the specified Lima device, or for all Lima devices if nothing is specified.

contrast.detectors.Ni6602 module

class contrast.detectors.Ni6602.Ni6602CounterCard(name=None, device=None)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector, contrast.detectors.Detector.LiveDetector, contrast.detectors.Detector.TriggeredDetector

Interface to the Ni6602 Tango device exposing counters.

contrast.detectors.TangoAttributeDetector module

Provides a Detector interface to Tango attributes, so that anything can be monitored during scans.

class contrast.detectors.TangoAttributeDetector.TangoAttributeDetector(name, device, attribute)[source]

Bases: contrast.detectors.Detector.Detector

Detector interface to Tango attributes, so that anything can be monitored during scans. These detectors simply take snapshots of Tango attributes and are never busy.