Source code for contrast.detectors.Detector

from ..Gadget import Gadget
from ..environment import macro
from .. import utils
import numpy as np
import time
import threading

[docs]class Detector(Gadget): """ Base class representing any device which can be read out to produce recordable data. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Detector, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) try: = True self.initialize() except Exception as e: = False print(('Failed to initialize %s. Run "%s.initialize()" to try ' 'again and perhaps learn more.') % (,
[docs] @classmethod def get_active(cls): """ Returns a DetectorGroup instance containing the currently active ``Detector`` instances. """ return DetectorGroup(*[d for d in cls.getinstances() if ( and not isinstance(d, TriggerSource))])
[docs] def prepare(self, acqtime, dataid, n_starts=None): """ Run before acquisition, once per scan. :param acqtime: Acquisition time :type acqtime: float :param dataid: Data identifier, a scan id, for example. :param n_starts: The number of start commands we expect to issue. :type n_starts: int """ if self.busy(): raise Exception('%s is busy!' % self.acqtime = acqtime
[docs] def arm(self): """ Run before every acquisition. Arm any hardware triggered detectors. """ if self.busy(): raise Exception('%s is busy!' %
[docs] def start(self): """ Start acquisition for any software triggered detectors. """ if self.busy(): raise Exception('%s is busy!' %
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Override this method, which initializes the detector. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stop(self): """ Override this method, stops the dector. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def busy(self): """ Override this method, returns the busy state. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read(self): """ Override this method, returns the data. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TriggerSource(Detector): """ A TriggerSource is a device which follows the ``Detector`` API, but which does not produce data. It can be seen as a lightweight ``Detector`` subclass, where some of the methods are not mandatory. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_active(cls): """ Returns a DetectorGroup instance containing the currently active ``TriggerSource`` instances. """ return DetectorGroup(*[d for d in cls.getinstances() if])
def stop(self): pass def busy(self): pass def read(self): pass
[docs]class LiveDetector(object): """ Abstract class to define the interface of live detectors, which can run continuously with no synchronization or data capture. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def start_live(self, acqtime=1.0): """ Override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stop_live(self): """ Override this method. Should be made harmless, so that it can be run even if the detector is not running. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SoftwareLiveDetector(LiveDetector): """ Implements a software live mode, where detectors that do not provide a monitoring mode get started repeatedly from a background thread. """ def __init__(self): self.thread = None self.stopped = False
[docs] def start_live(self, acqtime=1.0): """ Starts background acquisition. :param acqtime: Acquisition time. :type acqtime: float """ if self.thread is not None: self.stop_live() self.stopped = False self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._start, args=(acqtime,)) self.thread.start()
[docs] def stop_live(self): """ Stops background acquisition. """ # if the thread has been stopped or never started if self.thread is None: return # if the thread has died by itself for some reason if not self.thread.is_alive(): return self.stopped = True self.stop() self.thread.join() self.thread = None
def _start(self, acqtime): while not self.stopped: self.prepare(acqtime, None, 1) self.arm() self.start() while self.busy(): time.sleep(.05)
[docs]class TriggeredDetector(object): """ Defines the API for detectors that optionally accept hardware triggers. """ def __init__(self): self.hw_trig = False # whether to arm for hw triggering self.hw_trig_n = 1 # the number of triggers per sw step
[docs]class BurstDetector(object): """ Defines the API for detectors that optionally run in burst mode, so that an autonomous train of measurements is made for one arm/start command. Defines three attributes: * `burst_n`: the number of autonomous measurements * `burst_latency`: the time between measurements * `burst_acqtime`: an optional parameter which (if not None) overrides the value received via the prepare() method. """ def __init__(self): # let child classes set these if they want if not hasattr(self, 'burst_n'): self.burst_n = 1 if not hasattr(self, 'burst_latency'): self.burst_latency = 0.0 if not hasattr(self, 'burst_acqtime'): self.burst_acqtime = None def prepare(self, acqtime, dataid, n_starts=None): self.acqtime = acqtime if self.burst_acqtime: self.acqtime = self.burst_acqtime
[docs]class DetectorGroup(object): """ Collection of ``Detector`` objects to be acquired together, in a scan for example. Convenience class to call prepare, arm, busy etc in shorthand. Provides some safe measures too. """ def __init__(self, *args): """ :param ``*args``: Sequence of ``Detector`` instances """ self.detectors = list() for arg in args: self.detectors.append(arg)
[docs] def prepare(self, acqtime, dataid, n_starts, trials=1, trial_delay=1.): """ Runs ``prepare`` on each of the constituent ``Detector`` instances. """ for d in self: ok = False tried = 0 while not ok: try: d.prepare(acqtime, dataid, n_starts) ok = True except (AssertionError, NotImplementedError): raise except: tried += 1 print(('*** problem calling prepare() on %s, trying again ' + 'in %f s...') % (, trial_delay)) time.sleep(trial_delay) if tried == trials: raise
[docs] def arm(self): """ Arms all constituent devices. """ for d in self: d.arm()
[docs] def start(self, trials=1, trial_delay=1.): """ Starts all constituent devices. """ for d in self: ok = False tried = 0 while not ok: try: d.start() ok = True except AssertionError: raise except: tried += 1 print(('*** problem calling start() on %s, trying again ' + 'in %f s...') % (, trial_delay)) time.sleep(trial_delay) if tried == trials: raise
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops all constituent devices. """ for d in self: d.stop()
[docs] def busy(self): """ Checks if one or more of the constituent devices is busy. """ for d in self: if d.busy(): return True return False
def __iter__(self): return self.detectors.__iter__() def __len__(self): return self.detectors.__len__() def __add__(self, other): return DetectorGroup(*self.detectors, *other.detectors)
[docs]@macro class LsDet(object): """ List available detectors. """ def run(self): dct = {} for d in Detector.getinstances(): if isinstance(d, TriggerSource): continue name = ('* ' + if else (' ' + try: # rough sense of how each detector is doing if d.busy(): name += ' (busy)' except: name += ' (not responding)' dct[name] = d.__class__ print(utils.dict_to_table(dct, titles=(' name', 'class')))
[docs]@macro class LsTrig(object): """ List available trigger sources. """ def run(self): dct = {} for d in TriggerSource.getinstances(): name = ('* ' + if else (' ' + try: # rough sense of how each detector is doing if d.busy(): name += ' (busy)' except: name += ' (not responding)' dct[name] = d.__class__ print(utils.dict_to_table(dct, titles=(' name', 'class')))
[docs]@macro class StartLive(object): """ Starts software live mode on listed eligible detectors. If none are listed, all active and eligible detectors are started. :: startlive [<det1> ... <detN> <exposure time>] """ def __init__(self, *args): try: self.exptime = float(args[-1]) self.dets = args[:-1] except (TypeError, IndexError): self.exptime = .1 self.dets = args if not self.dets: self.dets = [d for d in Detector.get_active() if isinstance(d, LiveDetector)] def run(self): for d in self.dets: if isinstance(d, LiveDetector): d.start_live(float(self.exptime)) else: print('%s is not a LiveDetector' %
[docs]@macro class StopLive(object): """ Stops software live mode on listed eligible detectors. If no arguments are given, all active live detectors are stopped. :: stoplive [<det1> ... <detN>] """ def __init__(self, *args): if args: self.dets = args else: self.dets = [d for d in Detector.get_active() if isinstance(d, LiveDetector)] def run(self): for d in self.dets: if isinstance(d, LiveDetector): d.stop_live() else: print('%s is not a LiveDetector' %
[docs]@macro class Deactivate(object): """ Deactivates all detectors or those specified. :: deactivate [<det1> ... <detN>] """ def __init__(self, *args): if args: self.dets = args else: self.dets = Detector.getinstances() def run(self): for d in self.dets: = False
[docs]@macro class Activate(object): """ Activates all detectors or those specified. :: activate [<det1> ... <detN>] """ def __init__(self, *args): if args: self.dets = args else: self.dets = Detector.getinstances() def run(self): for d in self.dets: = True