Source code for contrast.detectors.DG645

from .Detector import TriggerSource, BurstDetector
import PyTango

[docs]class StanfordTriggerSource(TriggerSource, BurstDetector): """ Class representing the DG645 as a simple source for hardware triggers. All channels are fired with the requested high time. """ def __init__(self, name=None, device_name=None): self.device_name = device_name TriggerSource.__init__(self, name=name) BurstDetector.__init__(self) def initialize(self): self.proxy = PyTango.DeviceProxy(self.device_name) self.burst_latency = .001 def prepare(self, acqtime, *args, **kwargs): BurstDetector.prepare(self, acqtime, dataid, n_starts) acqtime = self.acqtime self.proxy.TriggerSource = 5 if self.burst_n > 1: self.proxy.BurstMode = True self.proxy.BurstCount = self.burst_n self.proxy.BurstPeriod = acqtime + self.burst_latency else: self.proxy.BurstMode = False self.proxy.OutputABWidth = acqtime self.proxy.OutputCDWidth = acqtime self.proxy.OutputEFWidth = acqtime self.proxy.OutputGHWidth = acqtime self.proxy.ChannelADelay = 0.0 self.proxy.ChannelCDelay = 0.0 self.proxy.ChannelEDelay = 0.0 self.proxy.ChannelGDelay = 0.0 def start(self): self.proxy.TriggerSingle()