Source code for contrast.detectors.Eiger

from .Detector import (
    Detector, SoftwareLiveDetector, TriggeredDetector, BurstDetector)
from ..recorders.Hdf5Recorder import Link
from ..environment import env

import time
import numpy as np
import os
import requests
import json
import zmq
from threading import Thread
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode

[docs]class Eiger(Detector, SoftwareLiveDetector, TriggeredDetector, BurstDetector): """ Provides a direct interface to the Dectris Eiger server. """ def __init__(self, name=None, host='', api_version='1.8.0', use_image_appendix=False): """ Class to interact directly with the Eiger Simplon API. """ = host self.api_version = api_version self._hdf_path = 'entry/instrument/eiger/data' self.acqthread = None self.use_image_appendix = use_image_appendix Detector.__init__(self, name=name) SoftwareLiveDetector.__init__(self) TriggeredDetector.__init__(self) BurstDetector.__init__(self) def initialize(self): self.session = requests.Session() self.session.trust_env = False self.burst_latency = 100e-9 # set up the detector self._set('detector', 'command/disarm') self._set('detector', 'command/cancel') # who knows self._set('detector', 'config/threshold/1/mode', 'enabled') self._set('detector', 'config/threshold/2/mode', 'disabled') self._set('stream', 'config/mode', 'enabled') self._set('filewriter', 'config/mode', 'disabled') self._set('monitor', 'config/mode', 'enabled') self._set('stream', 'config/header_detail', 'all') self._set('detector', 'config/counting_mode', 'retrigger') def _get(self, subsystem, key, timeout=3.0): response = self.session.get( 'http://%s/%s/api/%s/%s' % (, subsystem, self.api_version, key), timeout=timeout) if response: if 'application/json' in response.headers['content-type']: return response.json() else: print('unkown response type', response.headers['content-type']) else: print('error') print(response) def _set(self, subsystem, key, value=None, timeout=3.0): url = 'http://%s/%s/api/%s/%s' % (, subsystem, self.api_version, key) if value is None: payload = None else: payload = {'value': value} response = self.session.put(url, json=payload, timeout=timeout) if response.status_code != 200: print(response.text) def busy(self): if self.acqthread and self.acqthread.is_alive(): return True return not self._get( 'detector', 'status/state')['value'] in ('idle', 'ready') @property def max_count_rate(self): """ Maximum count rate according to the server """ val = self._get( 'detector', 'config/countrate_correction_count_cutoff')['value'] return int(val) @property def compression(self): """ Whether bitshuffle compression is enabled """ val = self._get('detector', 'config/compression')['value'] return val == 'bslz4' @compression.setter def compression(self, val): if val: self._set('detector', 'config/compression', 'bslz4') else: self._set('detector', 'config/compression', 'none') @property def energy(self): """ Operating energy in keV """ return self._get('detector', 'config/photon_energy')['value'] / 1000 @energy.setter def energy(self, val): if (val < 4) or (val > 30): print('Bad energy value, should be in keV and between 4-30') return val = float(val) * 1000 self._set('detector', 'config/photon_energy', val) @property def mask_applied(self): """ Whether to apply the mask """ return self._get('detector', 'config/pixel_mask_applied')['value'] @mask_applied.setter def mask_applied(self, val): self._set('detector', 'config/pixel_mask_applied', val) @property def pixel_splitting(self): """ Whether to use virtual pixel splitting """ return self._get( 'detector', 'config/virtual_pixel_correction_applied')['value'] @pixel_splitting.setter def pixel_splitting(self, val): self._set('detector', 'config/virtual_pixel_correction_applied', val) @property def threshold(self): """ Energy threshold for the counters """ return self._get('detector', 'config/threshold/1/energy')['value'] @threshold.setter def threshold(self, val): self._set('detector', 'config/threshold/1/energy', float(val)) def prepare(self, acqtime, dataid, n_starts): BurstDetector.prepare(self, acqtime, dataid, n_starts) self._set('detector', 'config/nimages', self.burst_n) self._set('detector', 'config/frame_time', self.acqtime + self.burst_latency) self._set('detector', 'config/count_time', self.acqtime) if self.hw_trig: self._set('detector', 'config/trigger_mode', 'exts') self._set('detector', 'config/ntrigger', int(self.hw_trig_n * n_starts)) else: self._set('detector', 'config/trigger_mode', 'ints') # np.int64 isn't json serializable: self._set('detector', 'config/ntrigger', int(n_starts)) if dataid is None: self.dpath = '' else: filename = 'scan_%06d_%s.hdf5' % (dataid, self.dpath = os.path.join(, filename) if os.path.exists(self.dpath): print('%s: this hdf5 file exists, I am raising an error now' % raise Exception('%s hdf5 file already exists' % self._set('stream', 'config/header_appendix', json.dumps({'filename': self.dpath})) if self.use_image_appendix: # for CoSAXS tango server self._set('stream', 'config/image_appendix', json.dumps({'filename': self.dpath})) self._set('detector', 'command/arm') self.n_started = 0 def arm(self): # The Eiger is armed only once. pass def start(self): self.n_started += 1 if not self.hw_trig: self.acqthread = Thread(target=self._set, args=('detector', 'command/trigger'), kwargs={'timeout': None}) self.acqthread.start() def stop(self): # there's also cancel - not sure which to use: self._set('detector', 'command/disarm') def read(self): if self.dpath: ret = {'frames': Link(self.dpath, self._hdf_path, universal=True), 'thumbs:': None} else: ret = None return ret def _start(self, acqtime): """ The Eiger needs to override this method as it uses software triggers. """ self.stopped = False NN = 1000 while not self.stopped: self.prepare(acqtime, None, NN) for nn in range(NN): if self.stopped: self.stop() break self.arm() self.start() while self.busy(): time.sleep(.05)
[docs] def get_mask(self): """ Get the Eiger mask, taken from the example in the manual. """ darray = self._get( 'detector', 'config/pixel_mask', timeout=15)['value'] dtype = np.dtype(str(darray['type'])) shape = darray['shape'] mask = np.frombuffer( b64decode(darray['data']), dtype=dtype).reshape(shape) return mask.copy()
[docs] def set_mask(self, array): """ Set the Eiger mask, also adapted from the manual. """ data = {'__darray__': (1, 0, 0), 'type': array.dtype.str, 'shape': array.shape, 'filters': ['base64'], 'data': b64encode('ascii')} self._set('detector', 'config/pixel_mask', data, timeout=15) # arming and disarming stores it: self._set('detector', 'command/arm') self._set('detector', 'command/disarm')