Source code for contrast.scans.Spiral

from .Scan import SoftwareScan
from .AScan import DScan
from ..environment import macro, MacroSyntaxError
from ..motors import all_are_motors
import numpy as np
import time

from .Scan import SoftwareScan
from .AScan import DScan, AScan
from ..environment import macro, MacroSyntaxError
from ..motors import all_are_motors
import numpy as np
import time

[docs]@macro class SpiralScan(DScan): """ Software scan across a 2D Archimedes spiral centered on the current position. :: spiralscan <motor1> <motor2> <stepsize> <positions> <exp_time> """ def __init__(self, m1, m2, stepsize, npos, exptime, **kwargs): # Parse arguments. We're inheriting DScan to get its nice run() # method, but we'll call the SoftwareScan constructor anyway bacause # we're not interested in DScan's way of parsing arguments. try: SoftwareScan.__init__(self, float(exptime)) self.motors = [m1, m2] self.stepsize = float(stepsize) self.n_positions = int(npos) assert all_are_motors(self.motors) except: raise MacroSyntaxError def _generate_positions(self): starting = [m.position() for m in self.motors] for t in range(self.n_positions): A = self.stepsize * np.sqrt(t/np.pi) B = np.sqrt(4*np.pi*t) yield {self.motors[0].name: starting[0] + A * np.cos(B), self.motors[1].name: starting[1] + A * np.sin(B)}
[docs]@macro class FermatScan(AScan): """ Software scan in the shape of a fermat spiral (good for ptychography scan). The center of the spiral will be the center of the given rectangle. Both motors have to be in the same units. :: fermatscan <motor1> <start> <stop> <motor2> <start> <stop> <stepsize> <exp_time> optional keyword arguments: optimize: boolean ... will try to solve the traveling salesman problem WARNING: can be slow for large scans! """ def __init__(self, m1, l1_l, l1_u, m2, l2_l, l2_u, stepsize, exptime, **kwargs): try: SoftwareScan.__init__(self, float(exptime)) self.motors = [m1, m2] self.limits = [[l1_l, l1_u],[l2_l, l2_u]] self.stepsize = float(stepsize) self.optimize = False self.calc_positions() self.n_positions = int(len(self.pos_12)) assert all_are_motors(self.motors) except: raise MacroSyntaxError def calc_positions(self): # scaling factors and angular step width c_0 = 0.524 # 3rd closest neighbor is on average one step away c = c_0*self.stepsize phi = 0.5*(1+np.sqrt(5)) phi_0 = 2*np.pi/(1+phi) # center and size of the rectangular scan field center = [0.5*(l[0]+l[1]) for l in self.limits] size = [np.abs(l[0]-l[1]) for l in self.limits] # max radius of and scan points in the spiral r_max = 0.5*np.sqrt(size[0]**2+size[1]**2) n_max = int(np.ceil((r_max/c)**2)) # calculate all positions until n_max (and thus r_max) n = np.linspace(0,n_max,n_max+1, endpoint=True) pos_1 = c*np.sqrt(n)*np.sin(n*phi_0)+center[0] pos_2 = c*np.sqrt(n)*np.cos(n*phi_0)+center[1] # remove positions outside the scan rectangle pos_12 = [] for i, p1 in enumerate(pos_1): p2 = pos_2[i] if not(p1>self.limits[0][0]): continue if not(p1<self.limits[0][1]): continue if not(p2>self.limits[1][0]): continue if not(p2<self.limits[1][1]): continue pos_12.append([p1,p2]) pos_12 = np.array(pos_12) # finding a short(er) scan path if self.optimize: # basically... solving the TSP problem best_path = self.two_opt(pos_12) self.pos_12 = pos_12[best_path] else: # sort on the first motor axis best_path = np.argsort(pos_12[:,0]) self.pos_12 = pos_12[best_path] def _generate_positions(self): #generate the positions in the improved order for i, pos in enumerate(self.pos_12): yield {self.motors[0].name: pos[0], self.motors[1].name: pos[1]} def two_opt(self, cities, improvement_threshold=0.5, max_iter=4): # 2-opt Algorithm adapted from # from # Calculate the euclidian distance in n-space of the route r # traversing cities c, ending at the path start. def path_distance(r,c): return np.sum([np.linalg.norm(c[r[p]]-c[r[p-1]]) for p in range(len(r))]) # Reverse the order of all elements from element i to element k in array r. def two_opt_swap(r,i,k): return np.concatenate((r[0:i],r[k:-len(r)+i-1:-1],r[k+1:len(r)])) route = np.arange(cities.shape[0]) improvement_factor = 1 iterations = 0 best_distance = path_distance(route,cities) while improvement_factor > improvement_threshold and iterations<max_iter: distance_to_beat = best_distance for swap_first in range(1,len(route)-2): for swap_last in range(swap_first+1,len(route)): new_route = two_opt_swap(route,swap_first,swap_last) new_distance = path_distance(new_route,cities) if new_distance < best_distance: route = new_route best_distance = new_distance improvement_factor = 1 - best_distance/distance_to_beat iterations += 1 return route