Source code for contrast.scans.Mesh

from .Scan import SoftwareScan
from ..environment import macro, MacroSyntaxError
from ..motors import all_are_motors
import numpy as np
import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]@macro class Mesh(SoftwareScan): """ Software scan on a regular grid of N motors. :: mesh <motor1> <start> <stop> <intervals> ... <exp_time> optional keyword arguments: jitter: float ... Randomizes perfect grid positions. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.motors = [] self.limits = [] self.intervals = [] self.kwargs = kwargs try: exposuretime = float(args[-1]) super(Mesh, self).__init__(exposuretime) for i in range(int((len(args) - 1) / 4)): self.motors.append(args[4 * i]) self.limits.append( [float(m) for m in args[4 * i + 1:4 * i + 3]]) self.intervals.append(int(args[4 * i + 3])) self.n_positions = + 1) assert all_are_motors(self.motors) assert (len(args) - 1) % 4 == 0 except: raise MacroSyntaxError def _generate_positions(self): positions = [] for i in range(len(self.motors)): positions.append(np.linspace(self.limits[i][0], self.limits[i][1], self.intervals[i] + 1)) grids = np.meshgrid(*reversed(positions)) grids = [l_ for l_ in reversed(grids)] # fastest last if 'jitter' in self.kwargs.keys(): print('[!] jittered grid postions by factor:', self.kwargs['jitter']) if self.kwargs['jitter'] != 0: step_sizes = [] for i, motor in enumerate(self.motors): d = np.abs(self.limits[i][0] - self.limits[i][1]) n = self.intervals[i] step_sizes.append(1. * d / n) rel_jitter = np.random.uniform(low=-.5 * self.kwargs['jitter'], high=.5 * self.kwargs['jitter'], size=np.shape(grids)) for i, step_size in enumerate(step_sizes): grids[i] += rel_jitter[i] * step_size for i in range(len(grids[0].flat)): yield { pos.flat[i] for (m, pos) in zip(self.motors, grids)}
[docs]@macro class DMesh(Mesh): """ Software scan on a regular grid of N motors, with positions relative to each motor's current one. Moves motors back at the end. :: dmesh <motor1> <start> <stop> <intervals> ... <exp_time> """ def _generate_positions(self): current = { m.position() for m in self.motors} for pos in super(DMesh, self)._generate_positions(): for i, m in enumerate(self.motors): pos[] += current[] yield pos def run(self): old_pos = [m.position() for m in self.motors] super(DMesh, self).run() # wait for motors then move them back while True in [m.busy() for m in self.motors]: time.sleep(.01) print('Returning motors to their starting positions...') for m, pos in zip(self.motors, old_pos): m.move(pos) while True in [m.busy() for m in self.motors]: time.sleep(.01) print('...done')
[docs]@macro class MeshJMesh(SoftwareScan): """ 2D Software scan for NearField ptychography. Each point of a larger 2D mesh scan is another smaller 2D mesh. meshjmesh <motor1> <abs_start1> <abs_stop1> <nr_int1> <jit_amp1> <rel_start_sub1> <rel_stop_sub1> <nr_int_sub1> <jit_amp_sub1> <motor1> <abs_start2> <abs_stop2> <nr_int2> <jit_amp2> <rel_start_sub2> <rel_stop_sub2> <nr_int_sub2> <jit_amp_sub2> <exposure_time> The start and stop position of the coarse mesh are in aboslute coordinates, while the start and stop positions of the submesh are relative coordiantes. 2nd axis is the fast axis. """ def __init__(self, m1, l1_l, l1_u, n1, j1, sl1_l, sl1_u, sn1, sj1, m2, l2_l, l2_u, n2, j2, sl2_l, sl2_u, sn2, sj2, exptime, **kwargs): try: SoftwareScan.__init__(self, float(exptime)) self.m1 = m1 # ax1 - motor self.l1_l = l1_l # coarse mesh - lower limit self.l1_u = l1_u # coarse mesh - upper limit self.n1 = n1 # coarse mesh - number of intervals self.j1 = j1 # coarse mesh - rel. jitter amplitude ... [0,1] self.sl1_l = sl1_l # fine mesh - lower limit self.sl1_u = sl1_u # fine mesh - upper limit self.sn1 = sn1 # fine mesh - number of intervals self.sj1 = sj1 # fine mesh - rel. jitter amplitude ... [0,1] self.m2 = m2 # ax2 - motor self.l2_l = l2_l # coarse mesh - lower limit self.l2_u = l2_u # coarse mesh - upper limit self.n2 = n2 # coarse mesh - number of intervals self.j2 = j2 # coarse mesh - rel. jitter amplitude ... [0,1] self.sl2_l = sl2_l # fine mesh - lower limit self.sl2_u = sl2_u # fine mesh - upper limit self.sn2 = sn2 # fine mesh - number of intervals self.sj2 = sj2 # fine mesh - rel. jitter amplitude ... [0,1] self.exptime = exptime self.kwargs = kwargs self.motors = [m1, m2] self.limits = [[l1_l+sl1_l, l1_u+sl1_u], [l2_l+sl2_l, l2_u+sl2_u]] self.calc_positions() self.n_positions = int(len(self.pos_12)) assert all_are_motors(self.motors) except: raise MacroSyntaxError def calc_positions(self): grid_1_coarse = np.linspace(self.l1_l, self.l1_u, self.n1+1) grid_1_fine = np.linspace(self.sl1_l, self.sl1_u, self.sn1+1) stepsize_1_coarse = 1.* np.abs(self.l1_u-self.l1_l) / (1. * self.n1) stepsize_1_fine = 1.* np.abs(self.sl1_u-self.sl1_l) / (1. * self.sn1) grid_2_coarse = np.linspace(self.l2_l, self.l2_u, self.n2+1) grid_2_fine = np.linspace(self.sl2_l, self.sl2_u, self.sn2+1) stepsize_2_coarse = 1.* np.abs(self.l2_u-self.l2_l) / (1. * self.n2) stepsize_2_fine = 1.* np.abs(self.sl2_u-self.sl2_l) / (1. * self.sn2) print(stepsize_1_coarse) print(stepsize_1_fine) print(stepsize_2_coarse) print(stepsize_2_fine) # calculate the absolute coarse mesh grid p12_coarse = [] for i, p1 in enumerate(grid_1_coarse): for j, p2 in enumerate(grid_2_coarse): p12_coarse.append([p1, p2]) p12_coarse = np.array(p12_coarse) # put the coarse jitter on the the coarse mesh grid rjc = np.random.uniform(low=-.5, high=.5, size=np.shape(p12_coarse)) for i, p12 in enumerate(p12_coarse): p12_coarse[i] = [p12[0] + rjc[i,0] * self.j1 * stepsize_1_coarse, p12[1] + rjc[i,1] * self.j2 * stepsize_2_coarse] # calculate the fine grid on top of that coarse mesh grid p12_fine = [] for k, pc in enumerate(p12_coarse): p1c, p2c = pc for i, p1 in enumerate(grid_1_fine): for j, p2 in enumerate(grid_2_fine): p12_fine.append([p1c + p1, p2c + p2]) p12_fine = np.array(p12_fine) # put the fine jitter on the the fine mesh grid rjf = np.random.uniform(low=-.5, high=.5, size=np.shape(p12_fine)) for i, p12 in enumerate(p12_fine): p12_fine[i] = [p12[0] + rjf[i,0] * self.sj1 * stepsize_1_fine, p12[1] + rjf[i,1] * self.sj2 * stepsize_2_fine] # plot the positions if requested if 'plot' in self.kwargs.keys(): if self.kwargs['plot']: n = len(p12_fine[:,0]) c = np.linspace(0, 1, n) plt.figure() plt.plot(p12_fine[:,0], p12_fine[:,1], lw=1, c='k', alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(p12_fine[:,0], p12_fine[:,1], c=c) plt.xlabel(str( plt.ylabel(str( title = 'meshjmesh\n' title += f'{str(} {self.l1_l} {self.l1_u} {self.n1} {self.j1} ' title += f'{self.sl1_l} {self.sl1_u} {self.sn1} {self.sj1}\n' title += f'{str(} {self.l2_l} {self.l2_u} {self.n2} {self.j2} ' title += f'{self.sl2_l} {self.sl2_u} {self.sn2} {self.sj2}\n' title += f'{self.exptime}' plt.title(title) plt.tight_layout() # return the positions self.pos_12 = p12_fine def _generate_positions(self): for i, pos in enumerate(self.pos_12): yield {self.motors[0].name: pos[0], self.motors[1].name: pos[1]}