Source code for contrast.recorders.StreamRecorder

from . import Recorder, RecorderFooter
from .Hdf5Recorder import Link
import time
import subprocess

[docs]def walk_dict(dct): """ A recursive version of dict.items(), which yields (containing-dict, key, val). """ for k, v in dct.items(): yield dct, k, v if isinstance(v, dict): for d_, k_, v_ in walk_dict(v): yield d_, k_, v_
[docs]class StreamRecorder(Recorder): """ Recorder which publishes data to a zmq stream. Try receiving it with:: import zmq context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) socket.connect ("tcp://localhost:5556") socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"") # subscribe to all topics while True: messagedata = socket.recv_pyobj() print(messagedata) The result is a sequence of python objects, of type ``dict`` or ``OrderedDict``. Each ``dict`` contains a ``'status'`` field with one of the following values. * ``heartbeat``: a dummy message sent to keep connections alive * ``started``: indicates the beginning of a scan * ``running``: indicates that this is a data message from an ongoing scan * ``finished`` or ``interrupted``: indicates that a scan was either completed or stopped. Data messages simply contain all gathered motor and detector data, as placed in the ``Recorder`` queue. For example:: $ print(dict(socket.recv_pyobj())) {'sx': 0.8, 'det2': <ExternalLink to "entry/measurement/data" in file "/tmp/Dummy_scan_005_image_004.hdf5", 'det1': 0.024625569499185596, 'dt': 2.3689677715301514, 'status': 'running'} """ try: import zmq except ImportError: zmq = None def __init__(self, name=None, port=5556): super(StreamRecorder, self).__init__(name=name) self.last_heartbeat = time.time() self.port = port def run(self): zmq = self.zmq context = zmq.Context() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) try: self.socket.bind("tcp://*:%s" % self.port) except zmq.ZMQError: print('%s could not bind to port %u - trying to kill whatever uses it...' % (, self.port)) try: pid = int(subprocess.check_output(['fuser', '-n', 'tcp', str(self.port)])) subprocess.check_output(['kill', '-9', str(pid)]) time.sleep(2) self.socket.bind("tcp://*:%s" % self.port) print('...success!') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print('...failed to find PID or kill process, giving up. This StreamRecorder won''t run.') except zmq.ZMQError: print('...still could not bind to port. Giving up.') super(StreamRecorder, self).run()
[docs] def act_on_header(self, dct): """ Relay information. Converts RecorderHeader to plain dict so the receiver doesn't need the contrast library. """ self.socket.send_pyobj(dict(dct), protocol=2)
[docs] def act_on_data(self, dct, base='entry/measurement/'): """ Relay information, but filter out exotic objects like Links. """ for d, k, v in walk_dict(dct): if isinstance(v, Link): d[k] = {'type': 'Link', 'filename': v.filename, 'path': v.path, 'universal': v.universal} dct['status'] = 'running' self.socket.send_pyobj(dct, protocol=2)
def periodic_check(self): check_time = time.time() if check_time - self.last_heartbeat > 10.: self.socket.send_pyobj({'status': 'heartbeat'}) self.last_heartbeat = check_time