Source code for contrast.motors.SmaractMotor

Provides a ``Motor`` subclass for Smaract positioners. All numbers in

Controls these via a MAX IV Tango device,

    import tango
except ImportError:
from . import Motor
import time

[docs]class SmaractLinearMotor(Motor): """ Single Smaract motor axis. """ def __init__(self, device, axis, velocity=None, **kwargs): """ :param device: Path to the MCS Tango device :type device: str :param axis: Axis number on the controller :type axis: int :param velocity: Initialize velocity, defaults to None :type velocity: float :param ``**kwargs``: Passed on to the ``Motor`` base class """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.proxy = tango.DeviceProxy(device) self.proxy.set_source(tango.DevSource.DEV) self.axis = int(axis) if velocity is not None: attr = 'velocity_%d' % self.axis self.proxy.write_attribute(attr, velocity * 1e3) @property def dial_position(self): attr = 'position_%d' % self.axis return self.proxy.read_attribute(attr).value * 1e-3 @dial_position.setter def dial_position(self, pos): attr = 'position_%d' % self.axis self.proxy.write_attribute(attr, pos * 1e3) def busy(self): attr = 'state_%d' % self.axis return not (self.proxy.read_attribute(attr).value == tango.DevState.ON) def home(self): print('\nhoming %s...' % self.proxy.arbitraryCommand("FRM%u,2,60000,1" % self.axis) while self.busy(): time.sleep(.1) print('homing done') def stop(self): self.proxy.stopAll() # safety first
class SmaractRotationMotor(SmaractLinearMotor): @property def dial_position(self): attr = 'angle_%d' % self.axis result = self.proxy.read_attribute(attr).value result = result.split(',') pos = int(result[0]) rev = int(result[1]) pos = pos * 1e-6 + rev * 360 return pos @dial_position.setter def dial_position(self, pos): angle = int(1e6 * (pos % 360)) rev = int(pos // 360) attr = 'angle_%d' % self.axis val = '%d,%d' % (angle, rev) self.proxy.write_attribute(attr, val)