Source code for contrast.environment

This module contains the "environment" -- the set of objects that define
how and when data acquisition is done, what is seen, where data is
written, etc. It also provides and keeps track of macros.

The module provides a central instance of the ``Environment`` class,

from IPython import get_ipython
from .. import utils
from .data import PathFixer
from .scheduling import DummyScheduler
from .snapshots import MotorSnapshot

ipython = get_ipython()

[docs]class Env(object): """ Container for a number of global environment variables. """ def __init__(self): self.registeredMacros = {} self.nextScanID = 0 self.lastMacroResult = None self.userLevel = 5 self.paths = PathFixer() self.scheduler = DummyScheduler() self.snapshot = MotorSnapshot()
env = Env()
[docs]def runCommand(line): """ Function for running magics from scripts. """ ipython.magic(line)
[docs]def macro(cls): """ Decorator which turn a class into a macro. This means that it will be callable from the ipython prompt with command line syntax. * Take all arguments in the constructor. The arguments can be Gadget objects and this decorator will find the objects from their names as entered on the command line. They can also be python expressions like 1+1 or 1./20, and are converted to strings otherwise. * Provide a run method which takes no arguments and executes the scan or whatever. The name of the class converted to lower case will be used for the magic command used to launch the macro. """ name = cls.__name__.lower() def fcn(line): args, kwargs = utils.str_to_args(line) try: obj = cls(*args, **kwargs) except MacroSyntaxError: print('Bad input. Usage:') print(cls.__doc__) return obj._command = '%s %s' % (name, line) env.lastMacroResult = if cls.__doc__: fcn.__doc__ = cls.__doc__ else: print('Please document your macros! %s is missing a docstring.' % cls.__name__) # sanity check assert env.registeredMacros[name] = cls if not ipython: return cls ipython.register_magic_function(fcn, magic_name=name) return cls
[docs]def register_shortcut(name, command): """ Factory function which takes two strings name and command, and creates a shortcut macro from the former to the latter. """ def fcn(line): runCommand(command) fcn.__doc__ = "Shortcut: '%s'" % command env.registeredMacros[name] = fcn.__doc__ ipython.register_magic_function(fcn, magic_name=name)
class MacroSyntaxError(Exception): pass
[docs]@macro class LsMac(object): """ List available macros. Do <macro-name>? (without <>) for more information. """ def run(self): print(utils.dict_to_table(env.registeredMacros, titles=('name', 'class'), sort=True)) print('\nDo <macro-name>? (without <>) for more information.')
[docs]@macro class UserLevel(object): """ Get or set the current user level. :: userlevel [<level>] """ def __init__(self, level=None): if level is None: print("Current userlevel: %d" % env.userLevel) else: env.userLevel = level def run(self): pass
[docs]@macro class Path(object): """ Print the current data path. """ def run(self): print('Current data path:\n\n ',